We place a large focus on our children of HCC as they will one day be our future leaders. Rehearsals for the May Spring musical, "I can Only Imagine" will take place late March and all of April on Wednesday evenings during C3 programming. Stay tuned for more information or see Autumn for more up to date details.
Calendar of Events
Our weekly service times are scheduled below followed by special events.
Sunday School: 9:30am
Worship: 10:30am
On Facebook live and in person
Nursery Available
Pre-School Worship for ages 2-5 in Downstairs Noah’s Ark Room- Currently Postponed
JAM - for ages 5 to 12 in downstairs children’s worship room. (Except for 5th Sunday “Family Sundays”!
Mens Small Group
Tuesday Nights at 5:30pm Upstairs Classroom 201
Ladies Small Groups
Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm via Zoom
Thursday Morning at 10:00am Upstairs Classroom 201 (Postponed)
Young Adults Small Group
Sunday Nights at 5:00pm at Rotating Houses