Wednesday, November 30th will be our last night for C3 meal and classes until we re-start next year. We will take a break for Christmas and hope you can join us for our last night before the holidays. Keep an eye out for information on a date when we will resume after the new year!
Calendar of Events
Our weekly service times are scheduled below followed by special events.
Sunday School: 9:30am
Worship: 10:30am
On Facebook live and in person
Nursery Available
Pre-School Worship for ages 2-5 in Downstairs Noah’s Ark Room- Currently Postponed
JAM - for ages 5 to 12 in downstairs children’s worship room. (Except for 5th Sunday “Family Sundays”!
Mens Small Group
Tuesday Nights at 5:30pm Upstairs Classroom 201
Ladies Small Groups
Wednesday Nights at 6:30pm via Zoom
Thursday Morning at 10:00am Upstairs Classroom 201 (Postponed)
Young Adults Small Group
Sunday Nights at 5:00pm at Rotating Houses