I’m a bit of a Word Nerd. To be honest, I’m not even sure that’s a “thing”, but if it is, I am. I’ve been devouring books since I was old enough to sign a library card. I love a great writer who can spin out just the right word to ZING up a page, or a great comedian who can choose the one word that will transform a so-so joke into a ROFL. My favorite movie quote? “You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.”
So I guess it is no big surprise to find that I’m a HUGE fan of God’s words—and by that I don’t just mean the Bible (but yeah, that, too)… I mean, like, when God chooses to use words, GINORMOUS things happen! The earth is formless and void. God says, “Lights please.” WHAMMO! Light just is. “Can I get some water, please?” SPLOOOZHHH! Oceans, rivers, geysers. And on and on it goes. When God uses words, world changing things happen.
Oh, and here’s another rather mind-blowing deal: When God sends His son, He refers to him as the Word (John 1). But wait, there’s more! When Jesus, the Word, is tempted by the devil, he resists by quoting scripture. WHAT? God’s Word is quoting God’s word! My brain is exploding here!
Yet with all that power, and wisdom, and awesomeness, and that ability to create worlds and spin out stars, and speak things into existence… and with all that Jesus could change with a few simple words such as “get up and walk” or “be healed”, the Word’s final words to his followers before ascending into Heaven were: “Go, and TELL.” With that command in our ears, shouldn’t we be paying an awful lot of attention to God’s words? Shouldn’t we hide them in our hearts? Shouldn’t they continually light our way? Shouldn’t we learn the best way to say them to others?
Join us in January as our speaker, our worship leaders, our musicians, our artists, and our leaders each present a fresh take on our TCTC 2015 theme: Say The Word.
- Keith Buddemeyer (TCTC 2015 Design Team Chairman)